Welcome to Northern Geelong Rental Housing Co-Operative Ltd
Northern Geelong Rental Housing Co-Operative Ltd is a Community Housing Co-operative and a registered housing provider (RHP) established in August 1983.
We provide low cost affordable rental housing, predominantly around the area of North Geelong. Our Asset spread consists of 58 houses. These houses are owned by Homes Victoria and Northern Geelong Rental Housing Co-operative Ltd (NGRHC) are responsible for managing the properties, collecting rents and delivering both responsive and cyclical maintenance.
The Planning and Environment Act 1987 defines affordable housing as ‘housing, including social housing, that is appropriate for the housing needs of very low, low and moderate income households’.
What is a Rental Housing Co-operative?
A Rental Housing Co-operative is a Community Housing organisation that manages rental housing.
Members in a Housing Co-operative are involved in ongoing decision making and take significant responsibility for their housing and general living conditions. Of all models of public and social housing in Australia, Co-operatives provide the highest level of control over one’s circumstances available to tenants today. The Co-Operative model is distinctly different to other housing models and large housing associations. NGRHC is a very welcoming and inclusive Housing Co-operative. We value member participation and aim to promote and encourage all of our Members.
Cooperatives around the world generally operate according to the same core principles and values, adopted by the International Cooperative Alliance in 1995.
Co-operatives share certain characteristics
- They have people at their heart, rather than profit
- They are based on specific values
- They operate according to a specific set of principles

The Northern Geelong Rental Housing Co-operative is based on values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity. In the tradition of their founders, co-operative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others.

We are individuals with rights and opinions who are obligated to work together in the capacity of landlords, tenants, and members of the Northern Geelong Rental Housing Co-operative Limited.

We aim to provide, manage, and maintain, secure, decent, affordable housing and to create opportunities for all members to improve their quality of life. We also intend to, facilitate, and control our needs by communicating and participating within formal co-operative structures
Principles of Co-operation
- Voluntary and open membership
- Democratic member control
- Member economic participation
- Autonomy and independence
- Education, training and information
- Co-operation among Co-operatives
- Concern for the community
The Committee of Management are responsible for the management of the Co-operative in accordance with guidelines set down by Homes Victoria, and the Housing Registrar.
The Committee of Management is appointed annually by the Members. Their role is to oversee the management of the Co-operative, the finances and future direction of the Co-operative. They work closely with other Committees, the Manager and staff of the Co-operative to reflect the needs of our renter members.
The Committee of Management is supported by three Sub-Committees.
The Asset Management and Development Sub Committee oversees the maintenance and management of properties. This sub committee also is responsible for the selection of new renter members should a vacancy arise.
Policy Working Group Sub Committee oversees Policy making and reform, they are tasked to keep up to date with changes in Government Policy and industry standards and is comprised of three members of the Committee of Management. Potential Members wishing to join this Committee must be on the Committee of Management for at least one year.
Member Engagement Sub Committee meets to develop and sustain Member Engagement. They are tasked with a variety of duties which include the Newsletters, Functions, Craft days and Member Surveys. You do not need to be a member of the Committee of Management to join this Committee. Rather have a keen wish to engage with other Members of the Co-operative and be proactive in developing activities which benefit our Members.